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This site may contain links to external web sites. Please be aware that they are provided only as a convenience to our visitors and does not indicate Nth Degree's endorsement of those sites. Nth Degree has no control over the content or policies of those sites and takes no responsibility for the information contained in or any damages resulting from the use of those web sites.

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You agree to provide current and accurate personal information on all forms submitted to this web site. You further agree not to misrepresent or impersonate any person or entity in any communications with Nth Degree or content posted on or distributed through this web site.


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Contact Number: 031 003 3000
Email: info@nthdegree.co.za
Address: Shop 16H Astra Shopping Centre, 16 Swapo Road, Durban North
If you would like to contact us using our contact form click the button below: